Truth or Shots – The Truth or Dare Drinking Game

Truth or Shots – The Truth or Dare Drinking Game

This game is super simple but really makes for a memorable night of fun!

Players: 2+ players
Required Supplies: Drinks, the official Truth or Shots app (optional), and a crazy attitude.

Truth or Shots rules:

Gather your friends, or strangers, and play a classic game of truth or dare with a twist. If someone asks you a truth question or dares you to do something that you don’t like –  you can skip your turn by taking a shot (or a drink if you prefer). This might mean the game isn’t too crazy at the start, but after a few rounds of shots everyone will be much more outgoing!

The official Truth or Shots app:

If you want to play but don’t like the idea of always trying to Truth or Shots Screenthink up new questions and dares, the minds here at Drinking and Stuff have created the official “Truth or Shots” app, available on Google Play!

It has over 600 questions / dares and lets you choose your group type between friends and couples, as well as deciding to play a clean, or dirty game.

To get the app click here!

Basic Truth or Dare rules:

In case you’ve been living under a rock; the rules of truth or dare are:

  • Players take turns around the circle.
  • When it’s your turn, someone asks you “Truth or dare?”
  • If you choose Truth then the other player gets to ask you one question and you must answer truthfully.
  • If you choose Dare then the other player gets to dare you to do something.
  • Once you’ve answered the question or done the dare it’s your turn to ask the next person in line “Truth or Dare?”

This is one of our top 5 drinking games with shots (see the full list here), so we know you’ll have fun!

As always, please don’t blame your hangover on us!

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